Ten Years Single

 One of my stories 'A Turbulent Night' mentions how I have been single for ten years. I have been unlucky certainly. I fancied a bar lady for about a year before I asked her out. She had blue hair and a nose ring. That should have been a clue. Sorry, she said, but I'm mostly gay. Mostly gay! What did that mean? The funny thing was, I still felt I had a chance.

The other lady I fell for held a higher position than me. She was bright and cheerful and pretty and generally the sort of person who makes you feel better about yourself. But I was a student working in the same unit as her and I didn't feel I could ask her out for a coffee. So I didn't. That was a huge regret.

I got propositioned once by a good friend of mine, but I wanted to preserve our friendship. So, here I am, single at forty-seven. Maybe this book will change things? Maybe, like a prison inmate, I'll get mail from women across the globe, keen to rescue me. Now I'm just day-dreaming!


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